Share Your Ideas or Story

Medical Update exists for the medical community and residetns of the First Coast.
We are here for you!

We value your privacy!
It is up to you how or if Medical Update uses the information you have provided! We will not share anything without your permission!

  • Physicians who want to help educate our community about a particular illness or health opportunity
  • Provider Associations and Physician Medical Societies
  • Community health associations, foundations and organizations helping First Coast residents
  • Patients with challenges accessing care or affording it
  • Patient or Providers who have a healthcare story to share that impacts others
  • Ideas about those who should be recognized for their work in our health care community

Enter Your Idea or Story Below

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Thanks For Your Support

We would like to thank you for your support of the Medical Update show. For over two dedcades the show as served the First Coast residents and medical community.

Please do no hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas and any other feedback that can help us.. help you!


Producer and Host

Walt Culbertson is a 42-year industry veteran with recognized work in health care privacy, security, technology, and operations spanning all major facets of the health care industry. Walt is a keynote and featured speaker at numerous industry conferences, forums, summits, and events each year. Prior to taking over as sole host and producer of the Medical Update Show in 2012, Walt was the co-host since 2010 and co-producer since 2007, as wel as a frequent guest on the show appearing in 25 episodes between 2001 and 2012.
Learn more about Walt...

Website developed and sponsored by Connecting Healthcare®